1. Sling and shot - This is a weapon that has been proven through out history. The greatest example was the giant Goliath being brought down by God through David. Like all weapons, this weapon requires practise. The shot used by the sling can be steal shots or smooth pebbles. Developing a technique is important, placing your shot in the pouch and swinging it above your head. Releasing the end of one of the two ropes at the proper time will send the shot at the target at a high velocity. This is why practise is key to your success.
2. Catapult / Sling Shot – This weapon like the Sling and Shot has been around for a long time. The Romans used them in a larger form in battle to propel large rocks at armies of fortress walls. You can make one yourself by attaching elastic bands to a strong forked branch and a pouch to hold your shot. The best shot to use for this weapon is like the Sling and Shot which is the steal ball at 1/4” diameter. Both of these weapons are easily stored.
3. Bola – A weapon that was used in different parts of the world and is easy to make. It consists of wrapping (6) 1 1/2” round stones in cut round material, preferably leather but not necessary, tied with 3’ length string, preferably para cord for strength. Join the other ends of the para cord together. Hold the Bola at the end where the cords are joined and twirl it above your head. Release it toward the game you are trying to capture and the Bola wraps around it bringing it to the ground for you to process for food.
4. Spears – A spear is a multi functioning tool or weapon. Its main use would be a walking stick used for your travels. Sharpening one end makes it a thrusting or throwing weapon. The ideal staff would be a straight 6’ long by 1 1/2” diameter branch made of a strong wood. To make a spear more effective add a point of flint, chiselled to sharpness, or a flattened cone of tin, set into the end. You could use your knife as long as you have more than one with you.
5. Knife – A knife is one of the most required items you have with you if placed in a survival situation. It is used to start fires, cut wood, as a self defence weapon, prepare food and use as a hammer. Actually you should have with you more than one still of knife. A fixed blade bush craft knife would be the first, with a thick strong blade and carried in a sheathe strapped to you side. The next is a folding knife, whether it would have only blades or tools that be used for repairs. You might even consider carrying a machete with a thick sharp blade for cutting wood and thicker branches.
6. Bow and Arrows – A bow and arrow takes a certain type of skill set to manufacture in the wild. The other down side to a bow is it keeping it concealed form prying eyes on your journey. It is not wise to let other people know what you have with you when you are travelling. There will be times when people are not as prepared as you and will want what you have.
7. A Gun – This is a weapon you would want to carry for protection and not for hunting. The sound of a gun carries for long distances and would attract the wrong type of attention. If you were to be forced to use it for protection and could continue your travels, you should do so as soon as possible. People would kill for a gun.
Some of the information for this article was acquired from a survival book written by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman SAS Revised Edition Survival Handbook. I highly recommend his book which offers many useful types of information that could save your life. I would have this book with me in a survival situation. My name is Larry I and hope this information helps you in the future.