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My name is Larry, and would like to share some information that I came across while browsing youtube. A gentleman that I subscribe to by the name of Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen of Norway was talking about things you should do before the SHTF. It all sounded like good ideas as well as common sense so I am presenting it to you thanks to Bjorn:

1. Get your finances in order to prepare for troubled times.

2. Get yourself into better physical shape and eat more nutritional foods. This is going to become more important if you have to bug-out and walk long distances. Who knows you may even have to run! You may also want to consider the type of clothing and shoes you are going to be wearing as well.

3. Buy the things you need now while you can still get them. Be prepared for that day when it will be too late to prepare.

4. Get rid of your addictions. When the SHTF you will not be able to get the things you are addicted to anyway. A forced withdrawal will be miserable, on top of whatever else is going on. The time is now to free yourself.

5. Stock up on long term, non-perishable items such as food, personal hygiene items and water.

6. Consider moving away from high populated areas. If people are starving or thirsty, they will want what you have and be willing to use force to get it.

7. Examine the job you currently have. Is the skill set required for this job going to help you in the future? It may be time for you to change jobs and learn something that would serve you better.

8. Make sure you have the equipment and skill that will be needed to protect you, your family and your home. If not, now is the time for the training.

9. Have a confident and positive attitude. You need to be able to maintain hope.

10. Gather together with people you can trust and that are are like-minded. It could be family or friends but the key word is trust. Establish a place among yourselves to meet when things happen.

People like Bjorn are speaking out as to what is really going on. You should stop by his channel on youtube for more information. Things that are going on with governments are not just in the USA. They are taking place all around the world.

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